Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Random Bits from the Internet and Me.


Before I start spamming things that I have enjoyed, started and want to finish or just want to get around to consuming; I have been having a really hard time with the leg/hip pain. I don't even have a word/phrase for it at the moment. Currently there is no way for me to succinctly sum it up. The closest I can do is I am suffering from chronic pain in my hip/leg joint where surgery and direct injections have not helped. Anyway the constant pain is bad enough but when you have a series of terrible weeks in a row it is hard to do anything, hard to plan and more importantly hard to do. "Do? What do you mean?" That Do can be anything from driving the daughter to a playgroup to delaying going upstairs for hours just to pee. Seeing the surgeon in less than 48 hours but not expecting anything anymore, my optimism has been worn out on this topic, I hope I have it for other areas for my life but definitely here it is totally worn out.

Buster Keaton Gif. - Not sure on the movie
I too like my sugar with a little coffee - (9gag link)
It just pleases me. :D

Observe and Report (2009) (IMDb Link)
I heard this was meant to be good from RedLetterMedia so I will give it a go.
Vid: Half in the Bag Episode 7: Super and The Watchman Interview

PC Gamer - "Baby Groot, but with a PC in place of a soul"
Silly title but an interesting P.C. build. (PC Gamer Link)
Offical Build log (bit-tech forums Link)...I am Groot

I have also been attempting to widen my consumed media online view as I recently realised that it was not diverse enough for me to get a good perspective on things. Not sure what caused this lack of diversity for my consumed media online, probably a combo of lack of exposure and lack of active looking for it.

Bia and Fey - They "watch stuff and react to it" (American Pie Link)
PushingUpRoses - "comical video commentary about video games." (Obscure DOS Games! (Ft Lazy Game Reviews) Link)
Only watch a couple of minutes each but so far so good so will report back at some point about it.

ContraPoints - "YouTuber, ex-philosopher, special blossom" (Decrypting the Alt-Right Link)
Watched a bunch and those videos are dam funny.

For when I finally get back into Twitch Streaming I would like to get MooBot setup.
EpicNameBro has a good setup of commands (Moobot Command List Link)

I was also attempting to find some write-ups on what happens to people sometimes when they play games; an odd transference from the game world into the real world. It is normally slight e.g. Playing Guitar Hero with the scrolling bar then seeing something like that happening on static objects, something like a burn in that can happen on T.V.'s. another e.g. is playing a RPG and thinking about looting a random bag. It is kind of like inadvertently eliciting behaviors that shouldn't be transferable to the real world. A quick search got me this book "Design and Development of Training Games: Practical Guidelines from a Multidisciplinary Perspective" (see below for links etc.) where they write "Build mental models that will transfer directly to the real world" now not exactly what I am talking about but a bad starting point. On top of this, how bad could something like this get when used in VR, with both what is proposed on page248 and what I am talking about. To what extent will this feeling travel.

(Google Link) - https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=zTTSBgAAQBAJ&lpg=PP1&pg=PA248#v=onepage&q&f=false

Dam, I could just watch the LoadingReadyRun team just play "AFK — Crokinole" all day. Great Fun!

This is too long already so time to wrap this up.
As I like to say: I hope you are all having a great day, Be excellent to one another and I'll see you's soon. Boopdadeboop!

Even More Random Bits:
Securing your controllers at an event (Gamasutra Link)
Sunday Service with the Lawful Masses LIVESTREAM (Youtube Link)
Video: A game dev guide to rapid prototyping for fun and profit (Gamasutra Link)
Great game podcast - InGameChat (Twitch Link) (Youtube Link)

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Mediacore Opinions on Flinthook - I think I need a name re-arrange.

Mediacore Opinions on Flinthook 
So I put out a different style of video and one that I would like to do more. At the very bottom you can see the ideas I would like to take forward and change. If you have any other suggestions you can contact me through any of the means including commenting right here. These ideas are from myself and from people who have commented me.

I feel that this lay more on the review side of things but with less than 15 hours playtime I just didn't feel right making it a proper review. This along with my mixer problems, hip/leg pain & focus issues I just wanted to get it out and done so I can attempt to work on something else. Next I would like to do some anime versions of this format and maybe a movie. I am attempting to keep this fun for myself and so far this way was pretty good fun. The sort of half 'n' half script and off the cuff thoughts was exactly how I wanted to do this one for Flinthook as I had not put in sufficient time into it for me.

Bits from the Video Description
Game was a purchased gift from a friend. Played on Steam with a wired xbox 360 controller & steam controller.
FLINTHOOK explained in 2 minutes! - https://youtu.be/gUll13C9NQI

At the time of video the Game is priced at UK£10.99 ; US$14.99

Like I said at the start: Expect mispronunciations, biased conjecture and unsubstantiated facts. This is Mediacore Opinions! Gaming Edition.
Not really a review and not really a quick look, just a way of throwing up some thoughts on the game Flinthook and see what you all think.

So all the Moltile bits-
Blog: http://moltile.blogspot.co.uk
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/moltile
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moltile
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/moltile.jectivon
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Moltile
Youtube2: https://www.youtube.com/user/ExtraMoltile
Email: moltile@hotmail.com

Recorded:  10/08/2017
Capture: OBS
Edited:  14/08/2017
Editor:  DaVinci Resolve 14 Public Beta
Added Music: Flinthook at http://flinthook.com/

Points to remember for the next one!
Some points to take with me to the next one.

  1. The number scale changes. Firstly there is no need to have it in the video, never mind twice. I think I was attempting to talk about it enough for people to understand but it was overboard. I think I will remove it from the next video and put up a separate video.
  2. Adding in the "Price of Media at time of video" is a great addition. I have put it in the description and will be adding it into the videos in the future. 
  3. The title reads kinda weird and I will be thinking about how I could change it for the better.
  4. Need to spend a bit more time on the overlays, for instance I had made the overlay forgetting about the aspect ratio of the video to be presented. It was a bit off to my liking as some of the HUD details from the game were hidden. 
  5. Additional material surrounding the videos. This will include a "How I like to consume media & scoring system", any sort of Let's Play so people can see first impressions or just general impressions plus how I played the game (can be helpful if I missed something important). Also an appendix for the video description with material used or articles cited.
  6. Round up/ overview (depending on how long the video is) at the end. A nice quick summary, "snappy" was a key word for this. 
  7. Need to keep the same tempo throughout the video as it was hard not to notice the transitions between these sections.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Nattering about My P.C. parts. The USS Defiant - May2017

Video: Moltile On Overwatch & PC Upgrade Parts

Chatting about the parts that went into the new PC that I built. The USS Defiant - May2017 Ryzen 7 Editing & Gaming Build.

I used the pcpartpicker and it was very helpful with making sure I wasn't overlooking some compatibility problem. I really recommend it. This was just a quick video to test out the pc in both recording and editing. I still have to do the overclocks and tinker with settings but overall I am happy with it.

Thank you very much for watching.
If you have any thoughts  I would love to hear them, you can do this via the comments below or on twitter @moltile and I will get back asap.

Video Recorded:  2017 06 01
Capture: OBS
Edited:  2017 06 13
Editor:  DaVinci Resolve 12
Added Music: None

Screenshot of pcpartpicker.com Moltile's USS Defiant Made on 14/06/2017 Which may be updated when additions are made.

So all the Moltile bits-
Blog: http://moltile.blogspot.co.uk 
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/moltile
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moltile
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/moltile.jectivon 
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Moltile
Youtube2: https://www.youtube.com/user/ExtraMoltile
Email: moltile@hotmail.com

Saturday, 10 June 2017

Moltile On Pre-E3 2017

Pre-E3 2017
I am interested but not excited, I actually have no idea why E3 exists. Who is it really for as there are avenues for all of this: public audience ranging from the unconcerned through to the audience that is highly tuned into the media, the investors and share holders all have their avenues as well. Is it just a way of having another type of contest to see who can get the most hype. I suppose that the constant ebb and flow of success of e3 shows they are not 100% sure themselves. Anyway I will watch and I will comment and then I will probably forget. This seems to be similar process that a lot of my friends and a few podcasts that I listen to have so this has spurred me into making a video where we compare 2016 to 2017 and what out of E3 2016 came out/delayed etc.

The comparison video and round up will come out much later as I will not be able to watch all of the shows live at the time but will make an effort. Living in a different time zone can make things more difficult. The schedule according to Gamespot is as follows:

Saturday 10th 
 - EA Press Confrence 12:00 (PDT) 20:00 (BST)
Sunday 11th
 - Microsoft E3 Press Conference 14:00 (PDT) 22:00 (BST)
 - Bethesda Press Conference 21:00 (PDT) Monday 05:00 (BST)
 - Devlover Digital 22:00 (PDT) Monday 06:00 (BST)
Monday 12th
 - PC Gaming Conference 10:00 (PDT) 18:00 (BST)
 - Ubisoft E3 Press Conference 13:00 (PDT) 21:00 (BST)
 -  Sony E3 Press Conference 18:00 (PDT) Tuesday 02:00 (BST)
Tuesday 13th
 - Nintendo E3 Press Conference 9:00 (PDT) 17:00 (BST)

Used https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ to change over the time to British Summer Time

So with that all said I hope we get the "you can get the game Right Now" which would make this a lot more interesting. I can't really think of anything else that I would want to see during this E3, actual details and facts are not usually plentiful replaced with a large slice of the marketing pie which is just empty calories.

I hope it is fun, I just don't think it will have a lot of substance.

Extra Links

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

What I am currently up to.

Ahoyhoy people,

I am in the middle of a P.C. build, it started from a upgrade of the GPU (Radeon RX480 8GB) and a new SSD. After this I have been getting the items needed to run a AMD Ryzen 1700. Still need to get the case, a part for the AIO cooler to attach onto the AM4 socket which comes out in May....


Due to this if I get the case and SSD M.2 I will just run the stock cooler until the bracket is available.

The Leg/Hip pain is classified as Chronic Pain, I am waiting to be put on a waiting list from my surgeon. I really hate this, both the pain and the lack of help I am able to get. It feels like I should know all the in's and out's of this, from the way doctors talk to me, ridiculous. I shouldn't be made to feel this way not including all the other things, it is their job to help fix me, I need fixed so I can get on with my life. Wow that got a tad serious, well that is what is happening with the pain. I am sick of it!

With some feedback I got from the "March" update but the lack of a working computer I have been at a stand still. Going to start working on assets for some of the shows when I have a break in the pain. I want to commit to a schedule but at this point I am unable. Upsetting but it is what has to be done. Hopefully if I can get things set up on the new P.C. and have it streamlined I may be able to do it but no promises.

Been enjoying the "Let's Fight a Boss" podcast and I would recommend a listen. The video below is the one I am currently on, working my way backwards in chunks i.e. go back 5/7 then listen in order then repeat.

That is about it, I have been able to start driving again, so good to get back behind the wheel. Haven't driven more than 20min away from my house as I want to be able to go back home if the pain gets to much. Still good though and I am confident that I can do an emergency stop if needed and been watching a buttload of anime and videos so hopefully lots to talk about the next time I am on video. :P

So I hope you are all having a great day, Be excellent to one another.
Bye bye.

Monday, 3 April 2017

Moltile Main Channel Update March 2017

Ahoyhoy, I am Moltile and welcome to my main channel.  From and still living in Northern Ireland. I love games and numerous items which I will be making videos about on this very channel.  :P (such a dating profile intro and forgot to add in the message above my head for it like Age 27, Married & Not looking or something to that effect)

I tried my best to salvage the video but with the computer problems that I am having before upgrading my motherboard & processor, DaVinci Resolve is very stuttery. I could not get things working in the week of on and off editing. It is a shame but hopefully computer issues will be generally resolved with the upgrade. I hope.

The video projects that will be up on this channel include: 

Mr Watch and Game
General taste video on media I have been consuming. This will be broken down into blocks of the media type they are in.

Mediacore Podcast MCPC
Covering news and what I am researching on games, what is going on with me and guests, opinions and interviews. 

Mediacore New'ish
The next step from the MCPC, my current opinions on what is happening in gaming news or whatever I want :P

Mediacore Pre-Generations 
Comparing current generation with previous where we will start of a generation (e.g. NES) and just go through it at the same pace as the current generation and draw comparisons, with a review of games of that generation  to see if they will hold up.   

Mediacore Opinions/Reviews
Something like that going through my games to showcase game with personal opinions. Music, Anime, Movies e.g. Title Mediacore Anime – One Punch Man – Opinions  
The Mediacore Opinion videos will serve as the pre-reviewing :D section to illustrate the current positives and negatives that I have seen in the game and not a proper critique of the way of Mediacore Reviews will/should be. Again it is called Mediacore Opinions for a reason. 

Moltile On _____
Thoughts on a game that is not as much a review, which would be for the mediacore opinions/reviews, but updates, patches, alphas, betas, early access will be on the list. 
e.g. Overwatch – viewing new maps, updates on the ptr, forum bits and pieces, dev updates 

Let's Play/LP videos
A bunch of game playing, this can be a range of Twitch Vods that are trimmed or it can be fully edited video series like the Megaman or Ninja Gaiden series (which I should take another stab at). 

RE: Representative Experience
Comparing Advertising to the finished product. Can be made in tandum with the release of information or a lookback on any sort of media like Gaming/Movies/TV Comparing my experience and the end result with what was promised from all the advertising. Hype, Images, Videos, Interviews and anything else. 

The Collector – The Steam Card Collector 
A cover for basically a first impressions of a game, giving the game a few hours to see if it is any good. How it holds up.  Cards collector aspect could be overblowen, especially if I turn him into a character.

If it is going to be with a bit of a skit to the intro/outro I think merging RE4 trader, Power Rangers Woman Bat Guy putty people and Game of Thrones Master people with the robes but with a cultist hood to it. The games will be in a box which will be a platform for creating bad guys to use to do my bidding. (Could look into how they were able to do animations with alt characters in steamWorks editor) if not use items from the game. If the game is good it will get put in the coat for quick usage, average is on the shelf and bad gets sent through a portal to work on something random.  

Learning How To Do _____
Learning anything, putting playlists together and making a video to cover what I am doing before and now. Learning my equipment, making a setup, hardware & software, audio and video equipment. (Potentially education videos for Uni and Such, Music like panio guitar bass and drums, japanese french or spanish, Game Development like ETAG or BlindWoman, Cosplay Mokojin, Family Crest, Video on setup how to use tips and ideas camera mixer lighting etc. ) 

Twitch Schedule 
Where I could do the raw recording for the above shows on stream and the general game time that I want to put in.

Health Update
This will cover anything from losing weight to my Leg/Hip Joint problems.  

Extra Bits
Song Parody, Collab's Collaboration or anything extra you will be updates
Welcome to the current state of Moltile & Extra Moltile Channel Update Videos, These should be fun on there own... hopefully :D and give a general update on what is going on. 

I hope to soon have a website so that I can converge all the bits & pieces into one place. Thank you for watching this update and my plans for the future. If you have any thoughts I would love to hear them, you can do this via the comments, twitter@moltile or email.  
I hope you are all having a great day, Be excellent to one another. Boopdadeboop!

So all the Moltile bits- 
Blog: http://moltile.blogspot.co.uk 
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/moltile 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moltile 
Youtube2: https://www.youtube.com/user/ExtraMoltile
Email: moltile@hotmail.com

Video content:
Recorded:  2017 03 27 15:00ish
Capture: Audacity, OBS, Samsung S5 
Camera Edited 2017 March & April
Editor: Audacity, DaVinci Resolve 12 
Added Music: Nope :P

(Sort of Faux) Disclaimer:
Presented schedules are estimates and subject to change, any changes will be made known via twitter & my blog and everywhere else after this, links in the video descriptionAny and all stated projects, ideas, images, sounds, faces, limbs, people or media presented, represented and/or therorised will be subject to that change and may change without the knowledge of the channel holders knowledge. This in turn will cause a surprise once found out and they will notify all parties asap. If said parties scroll past, overlook or plainly ignore these updates they will be subject to a stern talking to which will commence at a later date. If said date cannot be arranged they are to imagine that Moltile has already giving them a stern talking to and will provide a video of this in due course to assist in the imagination of the parties involved.