Before I start spamming things that I have enjoyed, started and want to finish or just want to get around to consuming; I have been having a really hard time with the leg/hip pain. I don't even have a word/phrase for it at the moment. Currently there is no way for me to succinctly sum it up. The closest I can do is I am suffering from chronic pain in my hip/leg joint where surgery and direct injections have not helped. Anyway the constant pain is bad enough but when you have a series of terrible weeks in a row it is hard to do anything, hard to plan and more importantly hard to do. "Do? What do you mean?" That Do can be anything from driving the daughter to a playgroup to delaying going upstairs for hours just to pee. Seeing the surgeon in less than 48 hours but not expecting anything anymore, my optimism has been worn out on this topic, I hope I have it for other areas for my life but definitely here it is totally worn out.
Buster Keaton Gif. - Not sure on the movie
I too like my sugar with a little coffee - (9gag link)
Observe and Report (2009) (IMDb Link)
I heard this was meant to be good from RedLetterMedia so I will give it a go.
Vid: Half in the Bag Episode 7: Super and The Watchman Interview
PC Gamer - "Baby Groot, but with a PC in place of a soul"
Silly title but an interesting P.C. build. (PC Gamer Link)
Offical Build log (bit-tech forums Link)...I am Groot
I have also been attempting to widen my consumed media online view as I recently realised that it was not diverse enough for me to get a good perspective on things. Not sure what caused this lack of diversity for my consumed media online, probably a combo of lack of exposure and lack of active looking for it.
Bia and Fey - They "watch stuff and react to it" (American Pie Link)
PushingUpRoses - "comical video commentary about video games." (Obscure DOS Games! (Ft Lazy Game Reviews) Link)
Only watch a couple of minutes each but so far so good so will report back at some point about it.
ContraPoints - "YouTuber, ex-philosopher, special blossom" (Decrypting the Alt-Right Link)
Watched a bunch and those videos are dam funny.
For when I finally get back into Twitch Streaming I would like to get MooBot setup.
EpicNameBro has a good setup of commands (Moobot Command List Link)
I was also attempting to find some write-ups on what happens to people sometimes when they play games; an odd transference from the game world into the real world. It is normally slight e.g. Playing Guitar Hero with the scrolling bar then seeing something like that happening on static objects, something like a burn in that can happen on T.V.'s. another e.g. is playing a RPG and thinking about looting a random bag. It is kind of like inadvertently eliciting behaviors that shouldn't be transferable to the real world. A quick search got me this book "Design and Development of Training Games: Practical Guidelines from a Multidisciplinary Perspective" (see below for links etc.) where they write "Build mental models that will transfer directly to the real world" now not exactly what I am talking about but a bad starting point. On top of this, how bad could something like this get when used in VR, with both what is proposed on page248 and what I am talking about. To what extent will this feeling travel.
(Google Link) -
Dam, I could just watch the LoadingReadyRun team just play "AFK — Crokinole" all day. Great Fun!
This is too long already so time to wrap this up.
As I like to say: I hope you are all having a great day, Be excellent to one another and I'll see you's soon. Boopdadeboop!
Even More Random Bits:
Securing your controllers at an event (Gamasutra Link)
Sunday Service with the Lawful Masses LIVESTREAM (Youtube Link)
Video: A game dev guide to rapid prototyping for fun and profit (Gamasutra Link)
Great game podcast - InGameChat (Twitch Link) (Youtube Link)
1 comment:
Understanding the Witness - Mechanical Transference and You - Extra Credits
Well I should use this as a reference.
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