Tuesday, 2 May 2017

What I am currently up to.

Ahoyhoy people,

I am in the middle of a P.C. build, it started from a upgrade of the GPU (Radeon RX480 8GB) and a new SSD. After this I have been getting the items needed to run a AMD Ryzen 1700. Still need to get the case, a part for the AIO cooler to attach onto the AM4 socket which comes out in May....


Due to this if I get the case and SSD M.2 I will just run the stock cooler until the bracket is available.

The Leg/Hip pain is classified as Chronic Pain, I am waiting to be put on a waiting list from my surgeon. I really hate this, both the pain and the lack of help I am able to get. It feels like I should know all the in's and out's of this, from the way doctors talk to me, ridiculous. I shouldn't be made to feel this way not including all the other things, it is their job to help fix me, I need fixed so I can get on with my life. Wow that got a tad serious, well that is what is happening with the pain. I am sick of it!

With some feedback I got from the "March" update but the lack of a working computer I have been at a stand still. Going to start working on assets for some of the shows when I have a break in the pain. I want to commit to a schedule but at this point I am unable. Upsetting but it is what has to be done. Hopefully if I can get things set up on the new P.C. and have it streamlined I may be able to do it but no promises.

Been enjoying the "Let's Fight a Boss" podcast and I would recommend a listen. The video below is the one I am currently on, working my way backwards in chunks i.e. go back 5/7 then listen in order then repeat.

That is about it, I have been able to start driving again, so good to get back behind the wheel. Haven't driven more than 20min away from my house as I want to be able to go back home if the pain gets to much. Still good though and I am confident that I can do an emergency stop if needed and been watching a buttload of anime and videos so hopefully lots to talk about the next time I am on video. :P

So I hope you are all having a great day, Be excellent to one another.
Bye bye.

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