Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Updating Twitch and other places

As I have been attempting to do more streaming and desperate for a new computer (don't have the money as of yet) I have been making some quick images for Twitch and will hopefully be doing the same for the rest of my youtube videos. Need to get intros and endslates sorted for the videos, get a bunch of music to use and figure out some sort of logo for things.

For the Twitch this is the first idea for a general rule base.
Rules - DBAD
Don’t Be A Dunce! That is a small adaption for the usual: noun(slang)
  • 2.       a person who is obnoxiously opinionated or self-satisfied; know-all

I feel that Dunce works well in accompany of it: noun 
  • 1.       a dull-witted, stupid, or ignorant person; dolt. 

As with the rules on most places, I will use my own discretion but in general I want people to enjoy themselves and discuss differing opinions with respect to the person.

Any advice, questions or feedback send it to my twitter @moltile 

First heard of this on an old youtube show Noobtoob https://www.youtube.com/user/tobin00 which I was a big fan of. They had a video recently where they were at PAX, their video below.

The internet says that it originated with Will Wheaton with Wheaton's Law. Read more here: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/wheatons-law

Some simple buttons so people can click on:

I was having some terrible CPU/GPU 100% max usage if I stream/record or just play games and that is why I am desperate for a new PC. Not the most fun situation to be in when you are attempting to start producing content again but I will persevere.

That is where I am at, at the moment.

Thought I would just do a quick update, working on 2 new videos that are a bit different to the previous videos that I have put out but I think should be fun. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day. Boop-a-de-boop!

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