Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft
My goodness I have finally found my card game. Online where I don't have to sink all the monies into it and it seems to be generally balanced well and the 3 different modes present a different challenge to myself keeping it fresh. I highly recommend it as it is free and you don't have to spend real money on it if you don't want to. Whenever I do get a better cash flow after the student life I will hopefully be able to spend some real world money to basically say "yes keep this up blizzard".
Episode 3 of Moltile plays Hearthstone Arena
Moltile plays Hearthstone Arena Episode 3
Card Overview: 00:30 to 02:20
Play 1 02:49 to 15:23
Play 2 16:04 to 32:39
Play 3 33:15 to 40:05
All the Moltile bits
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I had seen the company NineDotStudio on extra credits a while back and they seemed like a great company fighting for an improvement in the game development lifestyle. Then I saw their game that they are working on and my jaw hit the floor of how beautiful the assets were for the game. I do plan on getting the game and hopefully doing a video for it as well. This is their URL http://ninedotsstudio.com/
Current University Life
The travel is long but the work is hard.
Firstly I wouldn't trade where I am, what I am doing and where I think I am going but it doesn't stop me from feeling the strain of the workload on top of the hard travel. I am in class only 3 days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday) but I usually need to go in another 1 or 2 days each week. This is again due to the workload and the type of work. Travel consists of leaving the house at 5am to walk a couple of miles to get my first bus. This takes me near the Belfast bus station where I get the 6:30am bus to Derry/Londonderry to get me in for 8:30am. Then it is a quick 20min walk to the uni after that. Coming home is the same distance, obviously, but not the same timing. On the commute home I roll the dice whenever I get my work done, if I get the Derry/Londonderry bus back to Belfast at 5pm I only have to wait 20min in the bus station for my next bus. Otherwise if I get the 5:30pm bus I will have to wait in the bus station for over an hour.
The work is, overall, very hard, and it isn't the work itself generally it is just the large amount of it that needs to be done in such a short time frame. All the while we are meant to be working on personal projects, making a portfolio and revising for the tests that are littered through out the semester. Oh well, if things go according to plan I will have a game with one level done, a placement for next year, exams finished, portfolio looking awesome and a new computer screen all sorted by end of May. Still, as of writing, I have yet to buy my tablet to do more work on the bus but I have been a bit busy. :P
The other main gripe with university is the course I picked has a 1 Year in the Game Developing Industry Placement, which basically means I work for a company for a bit less than their usual staff and they get help, in the form of money, to train me. I thought as this was an essential part of the course that the university would be set up to assist me in finding this. As I have found out this was a massive, NO! Really they are set up only for their Computer Science students and even at that they are not perfect on this front either. With the earlier time constraints that I mentioned earlier there are the additional hindrances of no help and no direction on how to go about securing a placement. I will be attempting to get this years students to feed back into the placement so that future students will have a fighting chance but not before I get my own placement sorted out.
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