Friday, 9 December 2011

From Tech with Love

Hey hey, well currently I am in tech and testing the computers here, I am currently sitting on a mac because it is running at a faster speed that the i3 computers that are littered about. So I am currently Uploading my Lets Play of Prince of Persia on the PlayStation 3 which seems to be going quite rapidly, it probably won't be finished in the next 20 minutes (which is when I get
chucked out of the place) but it is an improvement to my own shitty internet. BT have a plan of providing Fibre Optic in March which I will be upgrading to, whoever can do it but in the meantime this should work out well. It had uploaded 33% in 42 minutes and the file was 1.99Gb so seems to be fine :D. I will certainly be using this and the approximation of these stats to gage whether I can use the tech for uploading videos, and if so how much.
So in 42min it was able to upload approx. 0.7GB of data to YouTube.
That is around 0.017GB per min
Running a speed test @
Download speed - 106.83 Mbps
Upload speed - 22.30 Mbps
Ping 17ms

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