Friday, 24 October 2008

New House, New Challanges

Every time I have tried to sit down and actually put a decent entry in I got shunted off the library computers cause I get one hour to go on the internet and I get reminded about my blog with like 5 minutes to go. SOOOOoooo its time for a MASSIVE UPDATE :P.

woo well at the ripe age of 19 and 4/5 months I have moved out of my dads house and got myself a flat with 3 other girls :D how awesome it that, well one of them is my girlfriend but parties and the fun I have been having has been great but there was a tone of stuff to organise, like the electricity, oil, food, travelling, parting, drink and of course the internet. And that has been a tough job, I didn't do it all myself granted but it does not take any of the responsibly if someone else is doing it because you got to check up on them and vice versa. So I think nearly everything is sorted, got the internet working last night and I have been just dancing about the house, my xbox360 and my wii my not be online atm but at least i can get some shit done.

Secondly, I have new content to edit
So in all fairness i shouldn't be talking about it because I have to work on it, edit it and upload it, which is a bitch as anyone that has done it before will know. So the Call of Duty 4 play though didn't go to plan, after 2.7 hours of trying and countless failed attempts, I couldn't record the video while I was playing it so I said FUCK IT and did a recording on Rockman, i.e. megaman for the SNES, I spent one night on it and got to Dr. Willlllllllys castle (making fun is fun) and I got tried and annoyed so i said FUCK IT and went to bed. I still have to edit the IcemanTrip trip and some other stuff like videos and some songs that I haven't even recorded yet but there is plenty of time for that.

Thirdly, I have giving up smoking
I know most people didn't know that I did smoke but I did, it started off as ooh I'll have one while I drink. Moved unto ohh I bought a packet last night ohh ill just have one after dinner and have a drink. Then it was ohh I have been working for 20min I think I need a smoke cause I bored. But I have stopped even with my girlfriend smoking in my face when we are drinking and through the day. So nearly a month of not smoking, hopefully that's me off them for good, now to start the evil plan of getting her to stop them through guilt and blackmail AHAHHAHA *cough* Ahem....

Fourthly, (i kind of like this whole _number_ + ly idea keeps my mind on track) I did 1hour and 31min on wii fit :D
Wooo go me, im actually trying to get fit again, this took a lot of effort on my part to actually do something with it cause before I did today's exercise I had clocked up 2hours 10min in over 90something days I could have been playing, soo hopefully i'll try and keep this up and get back to tae kwon do, but fuck eating and drinking healthy for the moment I feel I did a lot these past 2 months (well about 2 months) and I haven't fully got in the way of uasing the DAM wii fit, Jesus lunges wreck my shit, they are like Satan's torture minions, that have had a really bad day and they are taking every bit of there annoyance out on your legs anyway fingers crossed on this front.

Lastly, I bought guitar hero 3 woo
Yes to people that don't know but this is a great game but I have been finding gaming is so much better (well for the most part) when my girl friend plays the game with you and actually enjoys it (well I think she does :P ) ooh my life is bliss at the moment, apart from shitty EASONS with shitty people getting mad at me because I said I was quitting and if I do that she would have no staff that would know what there doing in that dam shop. Oh well i'll hopefully get a new job up here as soon as possible.

I'm not going to say I'll be doing this every day but hopefully It will be pretty regularly.
see ya
and wish me luck on not being fat :P

by the way I am like 8Lb's overweight atm i will update further with pic's and things hopefully

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