Patriarchal Waters Run Deep :: Lori Fazzino
Recently I have been sharing (through a bunch of videos that I have been watching on youtube with a quick up or down vote opinion from me. Been mainly surrounding religious debates as I have been enjoying them and I feel that it keeps me on my toes on what I think and why. This brought me to the youtube page SecularStudents (link: ) which had some people who I already watched before and enjoyed. After watching a few of these and as the quality was very good on these videos I decided to just take it from their most recent video and let it run as I do my usual on the computer. This video, posted above, stopped me in my tracks and drew in my focus as the topic is something else that I feel very strongly about, Feminism. As most people like labels to try and sum up a person with out getting to know them, I don't mind using them that I feel generally represent me. So on top of tons of other labels, I am a Feminist! Are you?
This brings me to the title of this post Sad & Unsure: Why aren't there more Male Feminists? I am sad because I have so many women in my life that I care about that do not get the same inherent respect, help, assistance and security that so many men accept with no thought in there daily lives. Next is the 'unsure' where I don't know really what to do and why people are not feminists. This second part is an incredibly deep and nuanced question which can be based on anything in the daily lives, friends, work, personal life, hobbies etc that I am way over my head just attempting to think about, :P. On what to do, well this post is a start. I think I will need to research more and reach out to get some more communication from people. As the video says, what is your ripple effect?
From these articles I just wanted to pull out a few quotes to illustrate the point.
(Salon) "it’s important for men to acknowledge that as long as women aren’t free, men won’t be either.”
(Salon) “Feminism is rooted in racial rights and gender rights, and all of those things intersect, and to say that that’s not something you can stand behind — it confuses me,”
(huffingtonpost) "texted to wish me a happy International Women's Day saying, "In 2014, the world shouldn't need a day like this to bring attention to women's rights, but let's keep fighting, and hope one day...""
(huffingtonpost) "pointed out that with so many women in his life, how could he NOT be a feminist?"
Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you want to contact me look above for the contact tab.
Amanda Chatel
Katie McDonough