Monday, 31 October 2011

Time Watching vs. Time Doing

While sitting here watching the first episode of house season 7 episode 1 and I'm thinking that I need to get things sorted. I have been enjoying house over the past week and been loving it but that it over 15 episodes and well actually hold on one moment... 40min per episode and 20 episodes 800min divided by 60 is 13.3 reoccurring.... ok i have spent 13 hours and 20min watching house over the week and I have yet to do anything on my plan. Why do I procrastinate so much... jeese did I spell that right first go, while drunk, well that's a new one. :P. So down to business, I am going to calculate the amount of shit I watch vs. the amount of work I do next week so this will be a tough one so i will write it on my arm, right now. Brown doesn't work unto black. That did it with the simple message "Watch Vs. Work" including the "." so I shall report back every day and say what is going on weather it be a vlog or text... I should write that down to, i have put "... Report"