I don't understand, well generally I don't but this time is different. I always thought I have been on good terms with my parents but my mum has made me so angry there now I don't know what to think. So I have not been having the best couple of weeks, was in clearing so they didn't get to look at my application sooooo that means that I didn't get into queens this year. That in turn has spawned a few things, first I need to get my financial support completed but there website won't let me change it. Next is Queens who have yet to reply to say what access course would be better to do to get in next year. Lastly is the BelfastMet who have such a shitty website that it crashes every time I complete any stage of there forum. GOD DAM this sort of thing shouldn't be so hard. I want to progress my learning why won't people let me do that.
Anyway about my mum, conversation was going well about 50min into it. Then she mentions Doctor McGoldrick from Downpatrick. That went on to me explaining that how he didn't give me proper medical treatment for over 3years and only when I (by chance) changed my doctors that I noticed this. I had been taking a drug that reduces swelling that also reduced the pain but I needed physiotherapy, which he forgot to mention for over 3 years. Actually now that I think about it is has been now.... 4.7 Years. After explaining this to my mum she was like "oh but thats different he has been fine with me". AHHHH!!! I just explained that I didn't know that there was something wrong with me until I went to someone else and she is defending the guy who has put me in the pain that I have been feeling right up and including this message.
How can anyone disregard that never mind my own flesh and blood... certainly not my own brain or else she would have been a lot more agreeable (in the end).
Anyway there is my rant over, I will go back to watching the last Disk of season 2 Supernatural.