Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Gaming News -02/11/10- News + Stuff

Personal Update + Game Review
Wooo hey people again, there hasn't been a lot happing in my house about games. Played some modern warfare and some more of final fantasy but nothing extensive.

The main gaming that I have been doing is a game on the DS called Advance Wars - Dark Conflict, which I was just informed from Dazo247 that it started orginally on the GameBoy Advance and then progressed from there. For those that havn't played this or many other games this is probably the best way I can put it, it is like chess except with army people with a bit of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" thrown in for good measure. To explain this further you control an army which can consist of 3 main groups, land, sea and air. This in turn has different units (groups of men fore example) that have different abliltys. The Rook on a chess board (the castle) can move differently to a bishop (the one that looks like a nipple Razz) this is the same with the different units in the game. "Rock, Paper, Scissors" also has similarties for example "Rock" works against "Scissors" but not against "Paper" the same is applied to the different units in this game.

These units can be built by having or capturing buildings, there are 5 different types of buildings
1.HQ - You have to defend yours and if you capture the enemys you have won that battle
2.City - This is the source of your income to build units, the more you have the more you earn
3.Factories - You capture/use these to build your Land units
4.Airport - You capture/use these to build your Air units
5.Port - You capture/use these to build your (you have guessed it) Sea units

So the 2 ways to win in this game it to either caputre the enemys HQ or to TOTALLY DESTROY the opposing team. As you can see that I prefer the second one. The actual gameplay itself is played on a grid which is turn baised (like I said like chess) where you would normally have the first turn. There are different variations on the land (mountains, road, grass) which effect your units aswell. So for a newcomer to the game all this information may seem daunting but even my girlfriend got addicted to this game, the training and the gameplay gradually increases what your doing from match to match, which when you complete one of these matches there is a sense of achivment that goes along with it that has been lacking in games recently.

Controls have been well thought out for both the D-pad and the touch screen, both of them are natural to use and everything is labled on the screen so even setting the game down for a week or a month, picking this game back up again will have you thinking "why did I ever put this down".

With all games there are always short-commings, for me this game has presented itself very well, the graphic may not be a vital part of a game like this but it does look good (even though my friend Daz thinks differently) the transitions between the action and the moving sceens work well (and if you dont like them you can skip it. The music is a little hetic due to the fact that different people get songs. What I mean by this is that you will face different opponents and you will take action of different people and they all have very good songs which change everytime they have a turn which can get a bit offputting sometimes, but sound effects are all good Very Happy.

The biggest falldown of this game is the story, for me it isn't how the story is presented(anime style characters), how they tell it (through text) it is the actual content of the story and how it is writen. Its a real shame when the idea is good, people banding together to fight for there lives against against plague and opposing forces but seriously, they had to use flowers as the incurable plague, FLOWERS jeese I mean talk about bad writing.

Even with the bad story line and the scizophrenic nature of the music this is a great game with amazing ammount of replay value due to the scoring system of the match and I havn't even played the multiplayer, so this game is defently worth the money of a full priced DS game (good thing though it has been out for a while so you could pick it up for cheap).
Any questions about it ask me.

Gaming Update - Stuff
errr ill do this another time.. i actually have to work for a while Razz

And that is it...for now.

Gaming News -14/10/10- News + Re.. well just stuffGaming News -14/10/10- News + Re.. well just stuff

Personal Update
95% or 96% completion on Assassins Creed 2.. I hate those dam feathers, well I just don't get what the appeal of it would be. I would either have to cheat by getting a map and visiting all 100 locations to make sure I got them all or I need to have extreme good luck (which unlike the sterotype i'm not that lucky).

I also started Final Fantasy 13 and jeese it looks pretty. I think it is the only reason why I am playing the game at the moment. Its ment to get better at the 15 hour mark. 5 hours is what i'm sitting on atm so 1/3 of the way there. I'm not realling liking the charachers, the storyline is like off cheese and the combat is weirdly detatched from what im doing with the controller...but i'm still playing it and afterwards I feel happy i.e. I enjoyed what I played. So I can't explain it yet but when I do you guys will be the first to know.

Gaming Update - Stuff
Ok so comic jumper came out, this is a downloadable title from the guys at twisted pixel who cam out with "the maw" and " 'splosion man" both extreamly polished downloadable games and i do advise at least downloading the demo just to experience them. Of those games being awesome I am very excited to play this game.

Next we have the assassins creed brotherhood, which released a beta to playstation plus customers (which i gotta say is a massive driving force because I loved the first game [and got angered at the end] and then loved the second game [and again got angered at the end Razz] but it seems to be a way for ubisoft to finish these. So want to see some stuff from the beta... eagerly waiting... come on.

Enslaved has also came out and so far its been a mixed bag between my friends, some are saying its like uncharted crossed with ico (which to me sounds weirdly awesome) and some are saying thats its too glitchy for them to continue to play(but i think they are being a bit dramatic Razz) but its a game that i will not play for a while, well untill the price goes down, i aint made of money.

An intresting thing I read is about a person in bioware mythric decided that when he learnt that in november that he and a few other people would be cut in that round of lay offs he would start up a blog about his experience. Now he created the name "EA Louse" i think in homage to EA Spouse which caused a bit of a stink for the gaming indrustry about working hours etc. So he is talking about how EA are outsourseing the work and firing the inhouse artists and getting the same or worse results. And people within the company are panicing about the new starwars game - the old republic and the troubles that is occuring. Personally I love this sort of thing just because it keeps people on there toes.

And that is it...for now.