Friday, 1 October 2010

-=GamingNews-01/10/10- ]News + Releases:=-

Personal Update
Hoy hoy... hmm that greating didn't work as good.. anyway bought a bunch of old games like time crisis 2+3 with a GUN... I KNOW awesome :P bought a bunch of dreamcast games controllers and south park for the playstation. Was tring to get "dark angel" for the xbox or ps2 but they didnt have it. So I am currently over 50% trophies on Assassins creed 2 been playing it for about 4-5days and its going really well loving it so far :D. Soooo not a lot asides for that, was ment ot have a new gaming show up and running on youtube but that was hit on the head when my 40second intro is about the size of a blueray. lol.

Gaming Update - Some News + Releases
Rocka Banda 3es
Yea, Its rock band 3 with a release date of October 26th in North America and other dates for other places that you can get midi intrustments and REALLY LEARN THEM but thats not why im posting. It was revealed in an interview with IGN the Pro-Mode on the DLC, which utilises the Real Instuments will cost $1 more. This may not seem a lot but it is a raise of around 50% for the standard asking price of $1.99

Triple The Dimensions with 2 Screens and Nintendo
So we have now got a lot more information on the 3DS, Japan gets it (hopefully) in February at a playstation 3 price($300). Then Europe and North America in March so wooo, wont be buying that any time soon, but for the people that are getting it you will be able to transfer game data from one machine to another, even if the game isn't in the machine at the time. The 3DS will be getting it's own virtual console, with Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, and Virtual Boy games available and after years of fan griping, Nintendo has revealed that downloaded games can be transferred from one system to another on the 3DS, so if you lose or break your handheld, you won't lose access to all of your paid content. Fun times... right?!

Water Action is Fun??
Hydrophobia, the new downloadable title, is getting reviews all over the board. So much so that one of the team was complaining about a 3/10 mark saying that the reviewer hadn't finished the game(where they in turn said they did). So the game, to sum it up is a more shooty lara croft and add in water. Not a bad idea and it doesnt play that badly either but it seems to have the marmite effect (you either love it or you hate it).

And that me for today :P